Our Story

It started in 1979 when Twilight Villa owner, Leslie-Ann, had her first stay camping at Cinnamon Bay with her family. It was very, very rustic back then. More heavily forested then and filled with Kaypok Trees with roots so high from the ground that the kids used to play hide-and-seek in them. Snorkeling the original underwater trail in Trunk Bay in the 1980s, her family continued to visit St. John over the years. They sailed the USVIs and BVIs several times from the late 1970s until they settled on a vacation location in Humacao, PR in the late 1980s. The first sailing vessel they chartered back in 1979 was called the Twilight Delight where Leslie-Ann marveled at seeing the stars at night, especially her first glimpse at Aquarius – her sign.  Never far from their minds was the beautiful island of St. John. Someday, she hoped to come back and join the vibrant community in a more permanent fashion.

As a marine scientist, Leslie-Ann has enjoyed many visits to beautiful beaches and coastal areas across the globe but the stunning landscape, vistas and marine life in St. John were the ones she remembered best from her childhood. After raising a family, Leslie-Ann and her husband, Dan, decided the time was right to make a journey back to see if they could plant some roots in the USVIs or BVIs. Now, St. John called to both of them.

Today, they are proud to offer their villa – Twilight Villa – to all that want to enjoy the beauty of St. John including its culture, its people, and its nature. They hope you enjoy your experience and fall in love with St. John. After all, it is called “Love City” for a reason.